Testing Endpoints
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Last updated
GraphQL testing allows you to validate and debug your queries, mutations, and subscriptions by sending requests to your QueryDeck endpoint. You can use Postman to efficiently test and interact with the GraphQL APIs.
Ensure you have the GraphQL endpoint (e.g., https://your-querydeck-url/graphql
Postman installed on your system (or use the web version).
Open Postman Launch Postman and create a new request.
Set Request Type to POST
GraphQL queries are sent via HTTP POST requests. Select POST
from the dropdown.
Enter the GraphQL Endpoint
Paste the QueryDeck GraphQL endpoint in the request URL (e.g., https://your-querydeck-url/graphql
Configure Headers Ensure the following headers are set:
give some sample query for testing
Now hit send, and wait for response
Your response should be in a format like the sample below
Content-Type: application/json Authorization: Bearer YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN (see authentication and authorization section for more info)